Tuesday 4 November 2008

Félicitations America! Félicitations Monsieur le Président Obama!

Le Figaro: Barack Obama élu président
Le démocrate Barack Obama a remporté mardi une victoire historique, devenant le premier Noir élu président des Etats-Unis. John McCain a reconnu sa défaite
Related sister blog: US Presidential Election 2008: Game over! Barack Obama is POTUS-elect! (Liveblogging updates!)

Félicitations America!

1 comment:

Commander Zaius said...

Sorry it took so long to get here but things are , to say the least, crazy. It was a fantastic night with Obama winning the election. His election is sort of the first phase in America's attempt to make amends for eight years of Bush. Yes, it will take decades to correct all the crap he has done but we have to start somewhere.