Je parie que le prochain président des Etats-Unis sera...

I too am confident that Obama will be elected president of the United States tomorrow; that he will replace bumbling and clueless George W Bush who almost brought the United States to its knees and who, with the help of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, abetted no less by Tony Blair, the British liar par excellence, has made the world a Christian extremist-Islamic fundamentalist battlefield, a much less safe place to live in.
Although Mr Obama is the exact opposite of Mr Bush, and despite his intellectual brilliance, his great analytical mind, his ability to cope under extreme pressure, I won't expect Mr Obama to solve the ills that's plagued Bush's and Fox News' America. Nor do I believe he will be able to wipe away the global economic meltdown that was started by American financial and economic institutions in one go -- not in one hundred days and not even in a couple of hundred days, but I do believe he will be able to regain the moral high ground and the good will that America lost because of the inept Bush presidency. He will restore world confidence in America and will regain the trust and respect of hundreds of millions of people in the United States. And that will be a great judicious start...
How ironic that a little less than fifty years ago, the likes of Mr Obama would not have been allowed to sit on a bus along with the white folks in the South or would have been physically abused and refused entrance in an all-white university. How ironic too that a president who hails from the South and who has failed America and the world will now be replaced by a coloured man! When that finally happens, i.e., when he beats the Republican Party's John McCain on November 4, this entire US election season's clamour for change will at last have found its true meaning.
Bonne chance Monsieur Obama!
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